They’re no where near done making the massive amount of Fortnite skins into LEGO versions.

With the recent Big Bang event in Fortnite, there is a lot to look forward to in the long-running Battle Royale game. While we knew about it beforehand, LEGO Fortnite is getting a lot of love for attention to detail as an upcoming mode within the game.
While most LEGO games are standalone, this one is a LEGO-fied version of the Fortnite that we know and love and will come free as a new playable mode within the normal game on December 7th, 2023. But, it’s a huge undertaking by Epic Games.
While the world itself will be entirely LEGO, the characters were a major concern. There are a lot of skins available across the past six years. But, fans and players have no reason to worry.
In fact, they announced that over 1,200 of the Fortnite-designed skins are already implemented into the game, as well as a ton of emotes. The short teaser shows off a ton of fan favorites like Skull Trooper and Tomatohead.
1,200 seems like a lot, and it is. But, there seems to be a total of 1,624 skins in Fortnite as of October 31st, 2023, per Game Champions (sourcing from database That means that they’ve already redesigned nearly 75% of all skins that were previously available.
But, what about the remaining 400 or so? Well, the good news is that, as it says on their blog post, “New LEGO Styles will be added to Fortnite often!”
The likely problem is that there is a lot that goes into the licensed skins to ensure they’re okayed by the license holders. So, just because Harley Quinn, Rick Sanchez, and Thanos aren't available on day one doesn’t mean they won’t eventually show up.
Check your in-game lockers to see if your current skins already have a LEGO version ready to go for December 7th.